Come from where 来自哪里:
Name 姓名 : Yumi (1442)
Age 年龄 : 23 Years Old
Height 身高 : 160cm
Boobs 胸围 : 36C
Room & CD Included 包房包套
Area 地区:EAST (东部)
Location 地点:Katong 加东
Damage 价格:$140/60 mins/1 FJ
Please quote seen from Xingfuyuan! 请说幸福缘看见的!
1. Regular massage★正规按摩
2. Roam★全身漫游
3. Chest push★性感胸推
4. FJ★有套做爱
5. Simple massage★简单按摩
6. Prostrate Maintenance★前列腺保健
7. Massage: Authentic / Oil★正宗指压/油推按摩
8. Chinese massage★中医按摩
9. Boobs Fuck★乳交
10. GFE★女朋友感觉
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If there are fake photos or bad service, Leave your phone number or wechat ID for us to verify
如果有假照片 或者 服务不好的地方 您可以留下手机号码或微信号方便我们核实
I'm aged 21 years old and above
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