Girl Details/女孩详细

Come from where 来自哪里:

Name 姓名 : KK (1328)

Age 年龄 : 25 Years Old

Height 身高 : 165cm

Boobs 胸围 : 36D

Room & CD Included 包房包套


Central Area 中部地区

$130/60 mins/1 FJ

Please quote seen from Xingfuyuan! 请说幸福缘看见的!




2025-03-26 01:28Paul Inbox Says:
少有的美女,体贴,温柔,有礼貌,甜美可爱的笑愹,不赶时间。她让我回复了男人信心, 尝到什么是爱情。冷热交替是不得了。 She is a rare gem. Beautiful, sexy, affectionate, passionate, polite and sweet. She helps me to regain myanhood and taste the feelings of love when she moans. Her boobs and the hot and cold BJ is another level up.
2025-02-23 17:09小胖爱你 Says:
这个新来美眉 不赶时间 人很好 又美 有女朋友的感觉

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