Girl Details/女孩详细

Come from where 来自哪里:

Name 姓名 : 玖月 Jiu Yue(1369)

Age 年龄 : 26 Years Old

Height 身高 : 160cm

Boobs 胸围 : 36D

Room 包房


Apartment 公寓

$120/60 mins/1 HJ + massage

Please quote seen from Xingfuyuan! 请说幸福缘看见的!




2025-03-23 17:24William Says:
I tried this beautiful gal yesterday. Nice, beautiful and young gal and same as the photo. Very good service and talkative. Just like my girl friend. Smooth skin and excellent skill made me comfortable and enjoyable. Must try.
2025-03-23 17:22Jackson v Says:
图片是本人 玖月让我找回了恋爱的感觉 她又白又滑的皮肤和天然的大波让我欲罢不能 她耐心不赶时间 口活一流 让我很快就坚挺起来 做的时候温柔地在耳边细语 娇喘 让我感觉年轻了五岁 我一定会再来支持

If there are fake photos or bad service, Leave your phone number or wechat ID for us to verify

如果有假照片 或者 服务不好的地方 您可以留下手机号码或微信号方便我们核实
